The Psychoanalytic Act: On the Formation of the No-Body. - Ebook


This book collates writings from Petros Patounas in response to Jacques Lacan's Seminar of the Psychoanalytic Act. Some of the essays arise from presentations given in the seminar series, “Lacan and the Psychoanalytic Act: A Question of Subjective Presumption” during 2013/14 at the University of London Union, UK. Desire in Lacan is desire for absolute difference and yet its conveyance is an element Alien to the subject - that occurs by the letter and by the act; whose components do not represent themselves for one another as with the signifier. This is because the kinesis, let us say in abbreviated form, the flux, of the question, ‘What is Psychoanalysis and What is its Ousia?’ refers not to the ‘Who or the What is a Psychoanalyst?’ but to how the subject can deal with the megacosm of the Real, is neither a surprise nor an enigma - it is a mystery.

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For the hardcover version of the book visit the link below:

On the Beast of the Divine Drive - Ebook
On the Dark Matter of Lunguage - Ebook
The Clinic of the Act - Ebook
On the Verbeing - Ebook
On the Ascesis of Psychoanalysts - Ebook