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Get access to the seminar: 'How do women choose a partner.

Ten Lessons on Human Psyche- Lesson 3 & 4
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Ten Lessons on the Human Psyche - lesson 1 & 2
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Ten Lessons on the Human Psyche - Lesson 5 & 6
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6 Lessons on Love - 6 Μαθήματα για την Αγάπη
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Η έννοια της ανθρώπινης αγάπης και των διαφόρων θεματικών γύρω της είναι πολύπλοκα ζητήματα. Αυτό που συνεισφέρει στην πολυπλοκότητα της είναι η υποκειμενικότητα με την οποία αγαπούμε- μια υποκειμενικότητα που σχηματίζεται μέσα στα πρώιμα βιώματα και συναπαντήματα μας με τη γλώσσα του Άλλου, αυτούς που μας αγαπούσαν και τις ιδιαιτερότητες τους.σε αυτή τη σειρά σεμιναρίων η «αγάπη» προσεγγίζεται ως μια ενότητα που αποτελείται από άλλες ενότητες, όπως η ζήλεια, η σεξουαλικότητα, η συντροφικότητα.

Ten Lessons on the Human Psyche - Lesson 7 & 8
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Let's Talk - Audio seminars
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The Let’sTalk events took place in 2020 and 2021. Each occasion was a two-hour conversation with the Lacanian psychoanalysts Petros Patounas and Penny Georgiou, who have been responding to questions from the audience in relation to a different subject every time. Initially, the topics were chosen on the basis of what might have been worrying people at the times of the quarantines due to the Covid pandemic. Later on, however, the conversations became existential questions conversed with a simple language and the events were developed into talks with the audience. The main aim of the events was to create spaces for questions and solutions, and therefore subjective responses to each’s unique formulation of the structure ‘question-problem-solution’ connected with the given topic, in their very individual narrative and history.

The audio clip above is a preview of one of the 11 engaging seminars included in the Let’sTalk audio seminar package.

Explore expert insights, practical strategies, and thought-provoking discussions designed to inspire and empower you.