Structural Life Coaching Course
Why is it called Structural Life Coaching?
The term ‘Structural’ refers to the techniques used in this training to facilitate the emergence of solid structures out of the “chaos” in one’s mind and therefore to make the goal more specific; and to the ability of the Coaches to perceive certain mental structures in their clients’ lives (the latter are the result of this training). Some of those approaches in perceiving those structures are the Cartography of the Body, and the Panopticon of Desire (those are taught in the course). The term, ‘Structural’, is also a reference to the unconscious structures and topological transformations of Lacanian psychoanalysis. Those concepts have been modified and have been applied to the training program in such a way, as to accommodate the aim of goal achieving leading to personal and professional development.
Build it.
The program took substance after the realization that, although Life and Business Coaching have good intentions in their conceptions and practices, in reality, a great number of coaches do not know how to approach the human soul; this is even truer when it comes to the topic of desire. Lots of coaching and consulting is carried out based on the “mirroring” principle: that the coach is the ideal person to become- a Subject Who Knows. Petros Patounas has created a method of practicing principles that enables those using the Structural method to utilize the best outcomes from their personnel, clients, or from those around them without, however, using their own selves as the ultimate example. this process allows for the emergence of distinct characters and abilities. Mostly, this Life Coaching training course wants to equip coaches with a deeper understanding of the human soul, the unconscious dimensions of the mind operating in personal life and the workplace, and to provide students with coordinates that enable them to form a precise understanding of the nature of human desire. The course offers, in addition, exclusive insights about the mind, motivation and the way of our higher mental functions.
Structural Life Coach Training:
The Course:
It is a five-month course designed to facilitate those who want to be trained as Life Coaches; those who want to have a greater understanding on how their organization functions at a deeper level; those who want to know how to deal with people at the workplace, to learn ways to understand, motivate, and coordinate their staff.
Who can participate?
The training course is suitable for people in Business, including Executives, Managers, Team Leaders, HR professionals, as well as for Teachers, Psychologists, Health Care professionals, including Doctors and Nurses, and, of course, for those who want to develop a practice in Life Coaching. It is also accessible for those who simply want to gain a wider understanding on how human interactions are occurring at a mental level. It provides insights into the human mind that can function as tools for all professionals who have close interactions with other people. About 60% of our students become life coaches and about 40% use the techniques and knowledge gained within their organizations/businesses.
What will I learn in the course?
This Life Coaching course is unique in nature and offers insights into the following topics, among others:
Coordinating tools for personal development and growth.
Highly valuable insights into human psychology and motivation.
It opens up access to better understanding of human interactions.
Techniques that equip participants with the means of analyzing and dealing with employees or clients; or with the people around them.
It provides practical and simple ways to acknowledge, set, and achieve goals.
It offers specific tools for the mind’s precision and structural thinking: these are supportive components to one’s desire.
It offers very specific methodologies in how to clarify areas of confusion, however chaotic the presenting situation may seem, and thus assisting the client to set and accomplish his/her goal.
The Structural Coach training course facilitates the following:
It optimizes perceptual functioning when it comes in working with people. The working with this structural manner refines and strengthens the impressions of an organizational framework: it reduces chaotic thinking and stress. Thus, it improves physical and mental coordination in an automatic way, and every physical and mental operation will be more effective with less effort.
Structural Coaching was designed to help Life Coaches and Manages to practice efficiently, and to offer business people, managers and those interested, the tools to live and work with greater clarity, ease and success.
With the understanding of the ways of the Structural awareness mechanics and how the mind operates, one may be experience greater calmness, relaxation of the body, extension of attention, and better coordination of ideas. The mental functions revealed in the course extend the capacity to receive and retain information: the course also has the effect of improving human interaction.
It is a powerful tool in conflict resolution, and provides access to new dimensions for responding to behavioural or situational challenges.
The understanding of the structural mental processes and how to coach people or employees in this manner allows better decision making, organization of thoughts, and allows privileged passage to new creative ideas.
Why choosing this program?
You can choose this program because it provides the highest quality training available on how to deal with people, so as to obtain the best outcomes for all concerned. It does not operate either at a superficial level not at a level that cannot be put into practice. You can choose this program as well, because:
It provides unique access to the understanding of how the mind and desire operate in human experience; thus, it makes it easier for Coaches, HR professionals, Managers and Team Leaders, Doctors, Teachers etc. to motivate, guide and inspire those around them or working with them to work at their best.
It teaches practical and precise ways with which Coaches can work with the mental structures of the people they work with.
It equips one with the tools to deal with difficult clients or employees, without stress and without wasting time and energy; and mostly without burning oneself out in attempting to handle difficult and “negative” people and situations.
It reveals other dimensions where human interactions occur- those situated at the unconscious level but they are nevertheless present everywhere. Having knowledge of those dimensions, coaches and professionals can be more precise in their work with other people. Because of this precision, everything is done with less effort.
It enables one to gain a wider understanding to Character Analysis.
Because of accessing the Structures of human interactions, chaotic thinking is reduced or effectively disappears, where relevant principles are applied; the ability to focus is improved and therefore, productivity and specificity are maximized.
It provides a well-organized program on how a Coach interacts with clients from the first meeting; step by step guidance on how to move from chaos or inactivity towards a structured goal, with ease.
The Coach gains full confidence in practicing after the training program, since all the necessary requirements for practicing are part of the program.
It is the only program worldwide that takes Lacanian Psychoanalysis and the Freudian Unconscious into consideration. Therefore, coaches graduating from it have a deeper understanding on the nature of human behaviours, motivations, and the unconscious itself.
Because of the structural comprehension of the unconscious, Conflict Resolution is accessible and effortless, since the solution becomes clear as the main reference of orientation.
Program’s Length:
Five (5) months Intense Study (from the first day of seminars to the day of the 2nd exam).
Our facilitators can deliver the program in English, Greek, Lithuanian, Serbian and Croatian Languages.