Kids Life Coaching Course
The ILPPD Institute is one of the few organizations worldwide offering a Child Life Coach training program. The certificate upon completion of the course enables those interested to practice as Child Life Coaches.
This 5-month certificate training course is designed in such a way so that potential coaches have everything necessary to start their practice with confidence. This includes delivery of all practical steps to coach kids; theoretical background; practice and applied techniques are also part of the course, meaning that during the course coaches will have the opportunity to deliver sessions to a number of children.
There are 33 hours of seminars in total. During these hours, coaches will receive the fundamentals about the psychological and physical development of kids; the important relationships between children and parents; how structures reveal truths about behavior and motivation; and how can coaches communicate with kids (various forms and techniques of communication). Due to the subjectivity of children the course teaches different and alternative methods of communication. There is material covering child development both physically and psychologically, parent-child relationships and how children learn and shape behavior through different forms of communication. The aim is to support coaches to facilitate an adaptable, subjective and creative practice based on each child’s needs. The training is approved by the UK Association of Structural Life Coaching. Upon completion of this course, coaches are eligible for membership to the association.
Among the topics and questions to be discussed are the following:
How do we communicate with kids in the sessions?
Various ways of communication, verbal and non-verbal
How do we detect the structures in kids?
The use of the body during sessions.
How do we organize the session?
How do we speak to parents?
Legal aspect in working with children.
Various approaches to Child Coaching: theories around Child Life Coaching.
With what kind of kids do we work with?
Course length:
Five (5) months Intense Study (from the first day of seminars to the day of the 2nd exam).