Parental Coaching- The Parent-Coach Program
The Institute of Lacanian Psychoanalysis and Personal Development offers this coaching program to companies and organizations with the aims of:
Supporting employees in dealing with family and parental difficulties and thus facilitating changes in their lives.
Supporting employees in setting and achieving goals related to parental topics.
The latter are not separate matters from the employees’ performance, productivity and presence at the workplace. Parental difficulties or the lack of goals and direction within a relationship or family may consume the worker’s higher mental faculties at conscious and unconscious levels, resulting in mechanical presence at the workplace. It is a known truth that troubles, questions, or even the lack of giving a proper orientation to those matters related to personal life, and especially to those associated with children, influence a given company’s employees. Dealing with precision with those parental life issues, through our educative seminars and our facilitators’ support- employees can even shift those moments of crisis into opportunities through Structural Coaching. Furthermore, our services allow employees to direct their energy, their focus and their desire to the professional sphere. This may result in a healthier balance between work and life, higher productivity within the workplace, better relationships between colleagues, and certainly calmness and easiness to function at the professional level. A space of calmness is what we traditionally call a home, and calmness itself is a key player for professionals and for companies: it is the prerequisite to further growth and development.
Why should you invest in this program?
There is a plethora of reasons for such an investment for a business or an organization. Some of them have been cited above. However, here are a few more, clear and precise outcomes of this opportunity:
Higher quality benefits offered to the employees.
Better productivity.
Family issues do not enter to disturb the workplace, either consciously or unconsciously.
Reduction of stress levels.
Further bonding between company and employees.
How does it work?
Our facilitators have prepared a series of seminars aiming in assisting employees with children on a multidimensional level. Those intent to provide the parents-employees with the necessary knowledge, tools and skills in dealing with their “other” full time and never-ending job: parenthood. The outcome of these series of seminars (and of the Coach support that employees can receive from our facilitators afterwards), is to construct the concept of the Parent-Coach: these are mothers and fathers who shall coach their kids through the challenges of young age and support them in achieving their desire.