Each and Every: Business Solutions Coaching

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This is an inimitable program: it aims in providing the benefits of Coaching to all key people within an organization or a business. With the support of our Coaches, the organization can benefit from increase in productivity, reduction of stress levels, and from removing the psychological and stressful weight from the employees. Therefore, the employees experience the workplace, their duties and their responsibilities quite different as things happen with ease, with less stress, and with less tension on their body. As a result, the employees’ ways are paved for achievements within the workplace.

This is a program designed to assign a Coach to each key member of the organizational hierarchy and not just to the Executives. The opportunities and benefits deriving from our unique approach, coaching sessions are not anymore, the privilege of the Executives. This Coaching program is also constructed as to overcome the barriers of “expensiveness” and “luxury,” and to offer to companies the outmost benefits to their employees, to empower and to refine their goals, and to assist their growth and desire within the workplace.

This comprehensive program offers specific number of Coaching sessions for team leaders, managers, consultants, and employees or to any people you want to offer this service. Each and Every Coaching program delivers immediate benefits to an organization as it is applied and extended to many layers of its structure. For this reason, we offer pre-purchased consulting hours for the achievement of quality and measurable results, and for contextualizing the financial cost of the package.

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Our Structural Coaches:

The Institute’s facilitators are well trained Structural Coaches who have also underwent extensive personal psychoanalysis in the Lacanian tradition. They are all supervised 2 times weekly because we seek to operate on the highest standards possible by making sure that our team is motivated and healthy. The Institute applies all possible means to support its Coaches to be affiliated with their desire, and therefore to transmit it to our clients and their organizations.


Character Analysis


Assessments and Coaching Solutions