TalkFest & Let’sTalk

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TalkFest & Let’sTalk are series of events created from an inspired longing to appreciate life and support those who wish to live according to their own desires. TalkFest & Let’sTalk are grounded on the humanly vital idea of people getting together and appreciating the conversation with each other. These are occasions open to those who would like to enter this experience of “Stepping into the Unconscious,” and beyond, and finding unique solutions for diverse questions arising in their lives.

ILPPD Institute is creating this time & space for a dialogue between the audience and the Lacanian Psychoanalysts. There are no questions that are off limits. Our speakers respond from psychoanalytic experience and a solid bidding for living, with its difficulties and joys, with its creative force. Through a stimulating intention to establish a desiring space, their answers to your questions can offer orientation towards your own creation of this unique experience called “LIFE.”

Talkfest takes place in various countries every year. Get in touch with us for specific Countries, venues and dates.

Let’sTalk is an online event delivered monthly.




Character Analysis